My Approach
Finding the right therapist is key if you are looking to change something in your life. My approach embraces an attitude that affirms the inherent value of each individual. It is non-judgmental, empathic and effective. Simply put - it is a holistic, weekly (same time/set fee), conversational process which considers the whole person not just their symptoms. It can also address some of life's bigger questions such as, "who am I?" and "why am I here?"
I draw on a variety of different Psychotherapeutic/Psychological/Philosophical theories and knowledge, rooted in the field of Humanistic Psychotherapy to inform my approach and refined to suit your needs. I provide a confidential and relational (meaning, we build a relationship) space to talk through any unresolved issues or resentments. I aim to facilitate a safe and ethical mind/body process with you, towards an understanding of how emotions can get stuck or repressed in the body such as anger, rage, fear and shame, entrenching certain behaviour patterns. The process of rebalancing mind/body awareness, can re-shape how we respond to our 'self’ and ‘others,’ and the world at large. Integrative therapy aims to be a process of healing and transformation. It can be life changing. As Ghandi famously said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
As we talk through your various experiences past and present; hopes and dreams, realities and fantasies, my role is to reflect what I see, hear and sense as I listen. Like a guide on any journey, safety is paramount. The first few sessions will be about gathering background information and learning about what brings you to therapy and what you want out of it. It can be difficult to talk about certain lived experiences, especially if you have experienced any level of trauma. I work at your pace. I am interested in how you make sense of your world, and how you feel talking about it. Often we must go back into the past in order to move forward, to reclaim parts of ourselves that have been disavowed (for self protection), which are now required for your onwards journey. We will link all this into what is happening in the here and and now.
Higher-self-knowledge (self-actualisation) allows us to act more freely, creatively, ethically and responsibly, within our evolving societies and environment. The process of self-acceptance evolves over time and requires several ingredients of nourishment which I aim to facilitate in this co-created, therapeutic process; an establishment of trust; empathy; honesty; congruence; unconditional positive regard; tenderness; ventilation of suppressed/repressed emotions; playfulness and humour.
There is little difference between 'counselling' and 'psychotherapy,' apart from length of the work and length of the training.
My Mission
My mission is to be alongside you at your pace, to discuss your needs/desires and be your witness on your journey of inquiry.
Whether you require short term, solution focused and a more 'action orientated' approach or a longer focus on self-exploration, will be discussed at the start.
Sessions are at the same time weekly, at the negotiated fee to be decided (if you wish to proceed) at the initial meeting.
The Facts Are Friendly: (Mick Cooper, 2008)
Here are some evidence-based research statistics on whether Psychotherapy 'works'?
There is unequivocal evidence that, on average, psychological therapies have a positive effect on individuals' wellbeing and mental health.
Almost 8 of of 10 participants of therapy improved to a greater extent, than the average person who has not attended therapy.
Overall, around 60% of clients diagnosed with a mental health disorder, will be diagnosis free after treatment.
Approx 10-20 sessions are required for 50% of clients to show clinical improvement.
Talking therapy is generally as affective as pharmacological treatment for psychological distress, and seems to have lower relpase and drop-out rates.
Improvement in mental health tends to be maintained one or two years after therapy has ended.
Counselling and psychotherapy is a relatively cost-effective form of mental health treatment - particularly for more psychologically distressed individuals, with an economic advantage above and beyond its contribution to psychological health and wellbeing.